"The pulpit is set. He stands from his chair as if it is a throne. He saunters across the stage like a pure breed Black Stallion looking over his herd. As he rubs his hand over the side of his face and lifts his head to the heavens, you can feel his anointing darting through the air like flashes of lightning. Once his innate signal says go, he assumes his position at an angelic starting gate and begins a fast paced walk, throwing prophecies through the crowd like an assassin's bullet. His energy is electrifying; his passion infectious. You know the presence of the Lord is truly there! Until you have been in the presence of Apostle Reginald A. Carson (Overseer, Teacher, Pastor), you have not truly felt the fire. This dynamic man of God, who has a five-fold ministry, has been extending prophecies and supernatural miracles from God for many, many years. He can lift you from despair. He is love manifested. He prays the power of faith into the lives of non-believers. Apostle Carson flows with his gift like an exotic fountain."
(Excerpt: Mary-Elaine Varrett/Gospel Synergy 2000).
Apostle Reginald Carson is the Senior Co-Pastor of the God's House of Miracles Church. He is also the founder and overseer of Reginald A. Carson Ministries, A Degree Beyond Ministries, and Reginald A. Carson, Inc. Each of these ministries supports numerous outreaches that are devoted to meeting the needs of believers all over the world. Apostle Carson is a noted Senior Pastor, Teacher, and Conference speaker who has established a powerful five-fold ministry. In his office of an Apostle, where he has walked for many years, he is able to minister to others by assisting, encouraging, and aiding in the perfecting of the saints for the work of the ministry. Early in his life, God spoke to Apostle Carson, imparting the gift of prophecy upon him in such a profound manner that he is able to see the very heart of people. He travels extensively abroad to many countries and throughout the United States. His teachings bridge the gap between accurate life-changing prophecy and deliverance. He is well known for his impartial biblical teachings and prophetic anointing. He is in great demand today because of his inspiring revelatory messages and is seriously regarded as an on-time, end-time man of God who hears directly from the Lord.
(Excerpt: Mary-Elaine Varrett/Gospel Synergy 2000).
Apostle Reginald Carson is the Senior Co-Pastor of the God's House of Miracles Church. He is also the founder and overseer of Reginald A. Carson Ministries, A Degree Beyond Ministries, and Reginald A. Carson, Inc. Each of these ministries supports numerous outreaches that are devoted to meeting the needs of believers all over the world. Apostle Carson is a noted Senior Pastor, Teacher, and Conference speaker who has established a powerful five-fold ministry. In his office of an Apostle, where he has walked for many years, he is able to minister to others by assisting, encouraging, and aiding in the perfecting of the saints for the work of the ministry. Early in his life, God spoke to Apostle Carson, imparting the gift of prophecy upon him in such a profound manner that he is able to see the very heart of people. He travels extensively abroad to many countries and throughout the United States. His teachings bridge the gap between accurate life-changing prophecy and deliverance. He is well known for his impartial biblical teachings and prophetic anointing. He is in great demand today because of his inspiring revelatory messages and is seriously regarded as an on-time, end-time man of God who hears directly from the Lord.
Apostle Carson is a man after God's own heart with a purity that comes from the heart of God. He is a man who is not self-motivated but God motivated in seeing change come into the lives of people. This favor of God on Apostle Carson's life has cultivated many leaders and people. He teaches the uncompromising word of God with a power and authority that is exciting but with a love that delivers the message directly to the spirit man, bringing about an immediate change in their lives. Even though he may have the heart of a child, therein lies a compassion that goes beyond the natural understanding of man. Walking in total obedience to God, he allows God to use him to make broken vessels whole in the body of Christ. One thing is for sure: once you have been in the presence of the anointing on Apostle Carson's life, your life will literally be touched and propelled to another dimension!
Apostle Carson has been married to and in ministry with Dr. Christie Carson since January of 2003. They are a ministry team that is wholeheartedly committed to the Lord and to the work that he has assigned for them to do. One of their favorite sayings is, "To God be all of the Glory!" Amen to that!!
Apostle Reginald A. Carson & Dr. Christie C. Carson
Senior Pastors of
God's House of Miracles